Monday, January 4, 2010

To Teen Parents:

If you find yourself unexpectedly pregnant and a teenager, take some advice I collected from the MTV show Teen Mom.

DO like Catelynn and Tyler and put your baby up for adoption. If you don't have hick parents like Catelynn then you should be able to live your life without too many life-altering bumps.

If you keep your kid, DON'T stay with a guy like this horrible excuse for a dad:

He's lazy, incompetent, and unable to understand the stress he's been putting on Amber. He thinks about himself before Amber and the baby and is too lazy and overweight to do anything about it. I feel sorry for her, but only to a degree - you were irresponsible, and now you and your child must suffer.

DON'T party like Farrah. She has recently acquired birth control, which in a way is good so that she won't become pregnant if she has sex again. But really? She shouldn't be dating in the first place. Her baby is barely a year old, she's working for her education, and she's relying on her parents to help her take care of her baby. I know she wants to try and find a guy who will help her with the baby and satisfy her emotional/sexual needs, but for real. It's too soon, and she can go boy-hunting once she's older, has her degree, and is more stable. Right now, any guys she would be interested in will be turned off by the teen-mom idea and the fact that she can barely support herself. Most teenage guys and young men can barely handle long term relationships let alone becoming a "father" to another man's child. And if any potential suitors have a brain they will be turned off by her selfishness and neglect of her (not even a toddler) child. Farrah should try some self-stimulation for a while before she resumes dating, because it is more than likely that her relationship will be unsuccessful.

To people who think the show glamorizes teenage motherhood - you are mistaken. It does not. Every time I watch the show I thank my lucky stars I am not in any of their situations.

To people who are sexually active, please oh please USE SOME PROTECTION!