Saturday, January 9, 2010

Star Trek RULES!

This is just going to be a short blurb, but I saw the winners for the People's Choice Awards, and lemme just say that Twihards need to STFU. Before I start though, I should mention that I am AMAZED Sandra Bullock beat Kristen Stewart for Favorite Movie Actress. I think it's because all the Twihards can't stand that she gets to be with the beloved Edward and Jacob etc. Girls are bitches.

Anyway. Zoe Saldana should have won for Favorite Breakout Movie Actress (great in Avatar and Star Trek)... okay, I guess I'm getting carried away here. She clearly deserved it when compared to the others in her category (Miley Cyrus won) but this award show is about favorites, which correlates to overall image and less to actual ability/talent. But it angers me. Awards voting should be left to people who have brains and aren't mindless media puppets. However, more elite systems like the Oscars favor low-budget/small, intense dramas and overlook great performances by blockbuster films. Though Twihards and other ridiculous movie machines make it hard to have any faith in where people put their money, some blockbusters really deserve some credit - namely Pirates of the Caribbean, Spider-Man, Star Trek, and Star Wars - and due to their popularity, are left without awards, either deemed too popular and overt by the Academy Awards or overshadowed by retards like the People's Choice Awards (who were only correct in giving the award to Johnny Depp for Favorite Movie Actor). Actually, aside from a few notable comedy category winners, the other winners made me feel sad about the degradation of humanity.

I suppose I'm just upset Twilight beat out Star Trek (which was a great movie, and at the very least Zachary Quinto should have won something) even though the Twilight franchise offers so very little to sentient cinema-goers.

Monday, January 4, 2010

To Teen Parents:

If you find yourself unexpectedly pregnant and a teenager, take some advice I collected from the MTV show Teen Mom.

DO like Catelynn and Tyler and put your baby up for adoption. If you don't have hick parents like Catelynn then you should be able to live your life without too many life-altering bumps.

If you keep your kid, DON'T stay with a guy like this horrible excuse for a dad:

He's lazy, incompetent, and unable to understand the stress he's been putting on Amber. He thinks about himself before Amber and the baby and is too lazy and overweight to do anything about it. I feel sorry for her, but only to a degree - you were irresponsible, and now you and your child must suffer.

DON'T party like Farrah. She has recently acquired birth control, which in a way is good so that she won't become pregnant if she has sex again. But really? She shouldn't be dating in the first place. Her baby is barely a year old, she's working for her education, and she's relying on her parents to help her take care of her baby. I know she wants to try and find a guy who will help her with the baby and satisfy her emotional/sexual needs, but for real. It's too soon, and she can go boy-hunting once she's older, has her degree, and is more stable. Right now, any guys she would be interested in will be turned off by the teen-mom idea and the fact that she can barely support herself. Most teenage guys and young men can barely handle long term relationships let alone becoming a "father" to another man's child. And if any potential suitors have a brain they will be turned off by her selfishness and neglect of her (not even a toddler) child. Farrah should try some self-stimulation for a while before she resumes dating, because it is more than likely that her relationship will be unsuccessful.

To people who think the show glamorizes teenage motherhood - you are mistaken. It does not. Every time I watch the show I thank my lucky stars I am not in any of their situations.

To people who are sexually active, please oh please USE SOME PROTECTION!

Sunday, January 3, 2010

Just Tumblr-ing Along

Uhh. I wrote a post, then blogspot deleted it? Whatev.

Now I'm too lazy to retype what I wrote before. So I'll keep it short: I made a complementary tumblr page to the blog. I hope you will find it funny/interesting, though I can't guarantee my commentary will be.

Friday, January 1, 2010

AT&T Commercials, That Dorky Actor, and the Perfect Man

Those new AT&T commercials with Luke Wilson are just horrid. They are trying to connect with the audience by being "chill" and breaking the fourth wall, using Luke Wilson, who now looks as average as they come, making his speech vernacular and having him both break the fourth wall and act as if he doesn't belong in the commercial itself and it just making commentary to the other individuals in the shot.

To me, Luke Wilson just comes off as an asshole. Not only are they direct attacks on Verizon, they are poorly written, the information is deceiving, and Wilson is just a horrible spokesperson. His snide grin and impatient attitude makes me dislike him, and I think before seeing these ads I thought he was a likable guy (thanks, Legally Blonde). I know these are scripted, but even for money, Wilson is just hurting his PR. These commercials are particularly bad: [] []

Next topic. That dorky actor.
Indie Directors - THERE ARE MANY MORE DORKS OUT THERE TO ACT IN YOUR MOVIE. Please stop the Apataw trend of reusing the same actors over and over again. It gets sickening and predictable.

Michael Cera plays the same person in every film. He's the lovable, innocent nerd who's just trying to get some womanly TLC, and ends up going through some adventure (and now, going bad) to try and get said womanly TLC. He will get it.

Please, pick someone else!! And I'm sincerely worried about his portrayal of Scott Pilgrim. Pilgrim, at least in the comics, is a cute and cool guy. Michael Cera is none of the above. Losing faith, here.

In other news, I have found the perfect man. At least in my opinion. Fellow ladies, feast your eyes on Hugh Dancy, the tall, dark, handsome, and BRITISH actor: