Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Doomsday Disaster

Okay, so according to some Mayan calendar, the world is supposed to end December 21st, 2012. I've read articles from Mayan professionals who think that the world will end (or something catastrophic will happen) and other articles that say it will not end. However, not one article that I've read, or show that I've watched, has considered the fact that despite what really happens on that day, people around the world will be flipping their lids.

Has anyone considered the insanity that is likely to ensue on the days approaching December 21st? Regardless of any information that says that a catastrophe will not occur, there will be many, many people who believe that it will. And there will surely be a handful that believes the world will truly end.

Now just think. If a group of some millions of people thinks that the world is going to end, what will they do? Well, they will do just about everything they wouldn't ordinarily be able to do due to the fact that they won't have to deal with the consequences in some way (at least in this life). So if the world is ending, why not just do whatever you want?

So imagine this on December 20th, 2012: murders, riots, robberies, excessive drug and alcohol use, widespread (mostly unprotected) promiscuity, and just about anything else you can think of. And that's just on the local level.

I'm sure there will be some positive aspects of the day before the end, like people finally reconciling with enemies and some family togetherness, but I can already see the enormous amount of problems awaiting society that day.

And when the 21st finally comes, if we are not all destroyed according to the legend, what will we have to say for ourselves? There will be a big mess to clean up, I assume.

So beware on the days closing in on the 21st of December, 2012. Instead of partying, I suggest locking yourselves indoors and staying away from all enemies and resident psychos. They might just feel the urge to kill you.

ADDED JANUARY 30TH: I was just thinking, there will be babies as a result of the whole December 21st partying. Lots of them. Maybe society will come up with a special name for them... whatever, most will end up aborted, fatherless, or just in adoption homes. Just a thought.