Saturday, January 8, 2011


A while ago I found out the esteemed cast members of the very popular show Glee did a "wild" photoshoot for GQ. I saw it and was disgusted. While I know my opinion is mute, I was a little saddened when I was talking to some of my friends about how slutty the photos were and how they were obviously doing this for the money. I heard them complain that they were coaxed into wearing next to nothing for the photos, but all the while they still posed for them. Nobody looks forced or unhappy in this:

The brunette, throughout the shoot, is shown with the least amount of clothes, which indicates she's the one with the most to prove.

And it's nothing I haven't seen before. More "tame" celebrities having to bare-all to shed their good image. What's so wrong with a clean image, I don't know, but you don't have to show the world your goodies to get some grown-up respect. As for me, they lose it.

How the hell did a show about high school theater geeks come to be the biggest TV show in America? Well, T&A helps. (That's talent and ambition, you pervs.) But so does a generous helping of pot-laced brownies, girl-on-girl subtext, and choreographed dry-humping.


Now, going to my previous post, I don't have to look at these photos. They are adults, they can be naked and that's their right.

Both true statements. Here are my answers: I can look at these photos. They are adults, they can be naked, and it's my right to make any kind of comment I want to about the image they've projected to the public.

This shoot isn't about fashion. It's not about what these actors have accomplished in their careers. It just shows them (well, the girls) tramping around a typical high school setting wearing next-to-nothing, fulfilling a long-played out and thousand times duplicated bad-schoolgirl fantasy. A comment on the GQ page featuring the shoot reads:

GET OVER IT. The whole point of them being ACTORS is that when they go home at the end of the day they're not the same person they pretend to be on screen. When will people learn this? Its refreshing not to see them so angelic and halo adorning. Grow up. The truth is the majority of you idiots think its hot, and you mothers out there - your daughters are going to probably be ten times worse than this, the only difference is at least Rachel and Dianna have their bras and panties on while the pics are being taken. Move on.

Okay. I see your point. But is it really "refreshing" to see them not so angelic and halo adorning because they're half-naked? Stars shedding their clothes for the big time isn't that new, I mean, Lindsay Lohan, Miley Cyrus, Demi Lovato, Britney Spears, Christina Aguliera, and hundreds more have done it. I think it'd be more refreshing to see them taking a new direction on acting, sharing some intuitive thought, or being productive or generous members of society.

It's not like I need to see any more sexy photos of celebrities on magazines.

My point is, to me, they look like sluts. Come on, people, don't you have anything else to offer?