Saturday, April 11, 2009

WWII Movies, Cute Overload, and an Update

In Us Govt *cough* I mean Contemporary History, we watched the beginning scene of Saving Private Ryan (SPR) and then we watched the bombing scene of Pearl Harbor (PH/Pearl). Intrigued by the graphic nature of SPR and the hotness of Josh Harnett (PH), I borrowed both. The following are my analyses.

SPR [4/4]: Pretty much one of the best movies I have ever seen. The first scene is so gloriously intense, sad, and honest.... I'm pretty sure I watched that scene alone about five times. The rest of the movie is perfectly acted, and I was unsure of who was to die next. I didn't want the one sniper to die... but really, I have never been so instilled with such a true insight of war. Friends died, battle was everywhere... it just amazed me, humbled me. Veterans, wow... Despite watching the film however, I am not a pacifist; I believe war is necessary at times, just as it was necessary in WWII.

PH [1/4]: Omfg, the cheesiest film I have ever seen. It oozed Hollywood gradioseness, almost made me sick to my stomach. I have many complaints about this film, and to understand I hope that you have seen the film. The first complaint is the overly dramatic acting. The scene of a document falling slowly to the ground was utilized twice; a folly by the director both due to the repeat and due to the lack of necessity. Every scene with Roosevelt was the biggest load of BS I ever witnessed, especially his incredibly dramatic standing up to prove a point about being able to do anything or something to the army generals. When they mentioned that the atomic bombs should be used as revenge for Pearl Harbor, well that's a load of BS as well; Pearl Harbor was miniscule in comparison even by estimates of the time; the A-bomb wasn't full developed at the time; and the A-bomb wasn't even considered until like three years later. Please.

Next complaints: Baldwin and That Chick. That Chick, Kate Beckinsdale or whatever, is totally static. Despite being attractive, I see no reason why these two very attractive men were so head over heels for her - she was quite flat and boring. Did no one else see how fucked up that love triangle was??! First she was all for Affleck. Then he goes, dies, she gets with Hartnett. Affleck returns from the dead, she flirts with him, she then tells him that she prefers Hartnett, Hartnett dies, then Kate and Affleck get together with Hartnett's kid. WTF!? Men do not simply take other men's children under their wing, especially one that's the product of a love affair that occured with your BEST FRIEND and your GIRLFRIEND. And really, Kate's just a tool.
Baldwin... wow... that whole scene with fighting across Japan or whatever and his chanting of "We won't win this battle.... but it will be an example of hope for everyone" or some BS about how everyone was gonna die but it'd be worth it --- completely ridiculous. Baldwin looked like a psychopath with the intense fervor that he exclaimed their doom.

Not only all that, but the film was a torturous three hours long and it was stuffed with boring aerial battles and horribly overwrought drama. I was praying for the end, and when it got there, I wanted to smack both Affleck and Kate. What retards. Well, Affleck was the only retard. The BEST acting, the truest emotion, all came from the scene when Hartnett died. And guess what? You had to watch about 2 hours and 50 minutes in to see it.

I recently got a new iPod. A gorgeous little 16gb orange Nano. Only thing is, it won't charge on my iPod dock, so now I have to charge it on the computer. Ghey. Being poor really sucks; I need a new dock, I'd like a NDSLite (with my Japanese word coach!), a wiimote charger, some games for the wii, some ps2 games, new ice skates, and some new fricking clothes for realz! Why oh why am I so dreadfully broke?

Jesus, I'm tired. I spent most of my night on [check it!!], cuteoverload, and thesuperficial. Awesome...