Saturday, February 14, 2009

A Laugh So Epic It Imploded On Itself

My headline may be stolen from a line from Ctrl+Alt+Del ( but this following blurb has nothing to do with laughing so epic that it imploded.

Happy Single Awareness Day aka Valentine's Day. My agenda: nothing til I get off of work and go to a sleepover with Rachel and Amanda. Hard-kizore.

I'm not going to be a blonde anymore. I know, apocalypse. I can't delay the inevitable anymore. My roots are dark so to avoid looking like a greasy haired blonde I'm going to make it all look greasy. Just kidding. It will be brown.

In other news, I need a new iPod. I'm too cheap to spent the money I intentionally made TO BUY a new one, but the point is I need more music and a bigger ipod to store it all.


Currently Listening to: NOTHING. No new music, man. None. Ridiculous. I've been drowning myself in Attack Attack and that damn Twilight Soundtrack.